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8 places to do market research online 🕵🏻

Without having to arrange interviews or send surveys.

Use this interactive Google docs workbook to find the best places for you to research what your ideal customers want!

there are so many places to do market research

Whether you have an audience already or not!

  • This workbook includes links to 8 places
  • Notes on how you can use that place for market research
  • Space for your own notes and ability to choose the places you want to use
8 Places to do Market Research Online
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Use this interactive workbook to find the best places for you to research what your ideal customers want.

What this covers

8 places where you can do market research online without sending surveys or conducting interviews

What's included

▶️ Google Docs Interactive Workbook

How it works

1️⃣ Click the button and fill in your name and email address below ✏️ (you will be added to my email list but may unsubscribe at any time)

2️⃣ You will receive a PDF with a link to your Interactive Workbook where you can get started right away

3️⃣ You will be prompted to make your own copy in Google Docs

4️⃣ Use the workbook on your desktop or on your phone

5️⃣ If using on your phone, it is best to use your phone in landscape so you can see the full width of the page

You will get a PDF (24KB) file